Round trip from Sainte Eulalie de Cernon to Le Rouquet by Vélorail, 4 km uphill, back downhill.
11h00 12h30 14h30 16h00
09h30 11h00 12h30 14h30 16h00
09h30 11h00 12h30 14h00 15h30 17h00 18h30
Please note: 2 capable adults over the age of majority are required on each railbike. It is essential to book your journey.
Please arrive at the station 30 minutes before departure.
05 65 58 72 10 / 06 88 60 23 25
SAS Rando RailLa Gare - 12230
05 65 58 72 1006 88 60 23 25
D'avril à octobreSur réservation
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